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(Urban Renewal, Architecture, Landscape Planning, Commercial & Culture, Installation Art)  

AntiStatics Architecture is an international creative Architecture and Design studio, founded by Mo Zheng and Martin Miller based in Beijing and New York. We focus on innovative design utilizing cutting-edge digital tools and advanced fabrication to develop elegant solutions. The office is driven to provide innovative architectural solutions looking to advanced computational tools to find new material efficiencies and user integration. Our work includes master planning, architectural design, interiors, art installation, stage design, and cutting-edge technological research.



  • Architectural Design 建筑设计

  • Urban Renewal  城市更新

  • Master Planning 规划设计

  • Landscape Design 景观设计

  • Interior Design 室内设计

  • Theater Design & Performing Art 剧场舞台设计

  • Art Installation 艺术装置设计与建造

  • Robotics and Interactive Design 机器人和互动设计

  • Parametric Design and Fabrication Consulting 参数化设计和制作顾问


Antistatics believes in the experiment. We believe that diversity brings strength to solutions. Our work stradles research and practice, operating across scales from massive to minute. Every project informs another, we believe in learning. We operate through environments,both virtual and physical, placing ourselves at the threshold between the two. It is here that we find novel solutions to complex problems.


antistatics architecture Mo Zheng

Mo Zheng 郑默
• Co-Founder and Design Partner, AntiStatics 非静止建筑设计合伙人
• M.arch University of Pennslyvinia 美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑硕士


Mo Zheng as principal and design partner at AntiStatics Architecture has founded the Beijing studio with Cornell Professor Martin Miller in 2015. She has involved in all aspects of the design and working with the clients directly.  She is specialized in developing concepts through constructions and ensuring great design visions through all phases. She has led architectural and planning projects: Beijing New National Zoo competition (Final 3), Tangshan South Lake CBD planning (2nd Place); Interior and Installation projects: “Water Drop” green home has won International Space Design Awards “IDEA-TOPS”2016---- Nomination for the Best Lighting Environment Design, and installation “CatenAIRies” at 2nd Ningbo International art exhibition, etc. Ms. Zheng has many years’ experience working on varies projects both in China and internationally. Before founding AntiStatics Architecture with Martin Miller, she was working at Asymptote Architecture in New York as project architect and China Chief Representative. In addition, Ms. Zheng has taught at University of Pennsylvania M. Arch program for over two years, including Visual Studies III and second year core studio. Ms. Zheng is born and raised in Beijing, China. She holds a Master degree of Architecture from University of Pennsylvania and bachelor degree in Visual Arts and Architecture from SUNY at Buffalo.


郑默女士具有中、美两国双重背景,曾经在费城和纽约生活工作长达8年,她是非静止建筑的创始人及工作室的核心,与康奈尔大学教授马丁 · 米勒先生 (美国)于2015年成立了非静止北京总部。她的设计理念是集合了国际领先的参数化设计和数字建造工作方式与中国本土文化及工艺的结合,将美国积累多年学术及科技创新理念结合到从规划、建筑到室内及装置的设计及建造中。她主导参与设计阶段的各方面,并尤其擅长城市规划与建筑类项目。她专注于工作室项目从概念生成到深化施工完成,并确保设计理念和品质在项目各阶段的体现。她领导的建筑规划类项目:大理环洱海文化夜游项目规划(PPP项目中标建成),温州杨府山1.8公里码头规划文旅项目(PPP项目中标在建),北京动物园整体规划获得国际竞赛前三名,唐山南湖中央商务区整体规划国际招标第二名、《梦回延安》剧场综合体设计规划。在马丁 · 米勒先生成立非静止北京总部之前,郑默女士有多年的国际国内项目总监的经验,曾在国际著名建筑公司美国渐近线事务所担任项目建筑师,带领团队参与多个大型国际项目和美国本土项目,并成立了其北京代表处,担任中国首席代表。在渐近线工作之前,郑女士还任教于美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑学院逾两年,担任建筑研究生学院视觉表达与研究III 课程的讲师。郑默女士在北京长大,拥有美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑硕士学位和美国纽约州立大学建筑+视觉传达学士学位。

antistatics architecture martin miller

 Martin Miller 马丁 · 米勒 (美国)

Co-Founder and Design Partner, AntiStatics 非静止建筑设计合伙人

Professor, Cornell University Architecture Department 美国康奈尔大学建筑学院教授

M.arch University of Pennsylvania 美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑硕士

Martin Miller is the creative design director and founding partner at AntiStatics Architecture. He is also a Professor in Practice at Cornell University Architecture Art Planning. Martin Miller comes from a diverse background with training in architecture, art, science and mathematics. He received his BFA in Sculpture from the University of Colorado with a minor in Mathematics, and a Masters of Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania. His areas of expertise lie in parametric modeling, complex form rationalization and digital fabrication; especially in robotics and interactive design, Martin Miller has been teaching graduate studios as well as seminars focused on the implementation of computational design techniques including artificial intelligence, simulation, and robotic fabrication. Before founding AntiStatics with Mo Zheng, Martin was the lead designer and project manager for Jenny Sabin Studio. His recent works include The MaoHaus, a thin-shell concrete façade with hidden embedded imagery; Pussy Hut, an inhabitable pussy hat that's a tribute and monument to the Women's Rights movement; and Catenaries, a responsive installation provoking the impact of air as a driver for spatial definition; A large master-planning and architecture project for a waterfront redevelopment in Whenzhou; Plaited Tectonics received a 2nd place in Pier 9 “the future of making things” competition. Martin Miller is born in San Paul, Minnesota, currently lives in both Beijing and New York.  


马丁·米勒来自与建筑,艺术,科学和数学多样化的背景。他拥有科罗拉多大学的雕塑和数学学士,以及宾西法尼亚大学的建筑硕士学位。马丁·米勒与郑默女士于2015年在北京创立非静止建筑设计工作室 AntiStatics Architecture,并组建了一支国际精英团队。工作室运用集成化的参数化设计和数字建造为手段,主张结合设计和制作过程,注重科技与艺术的结合;并重视创新设计、尖端材料、工艺和科技的运用。主要项目包括建筑与城市规划设计、创新建筑材料与结构设计、大型环境与景观装置。马丁·米勒同时现任教于美国康奈尔大学数字建筑学院。他的主要擅长和研究的领域为:参数化设计、数字化制作、动态表皮、高科技材料及创新建筑结构。他的主要作品有:2017年在北京板桥胡同的MaoHaus, 毛豪斯、2018年在加拿大多伦多冬日站(国际竞赛冠军)、2017年在纽约州展出的”Primitive Hut”环境装置、中国陶瓷美术馆室内改造“多重框架体系”、耐克2013-2014 FLYKNIT体验馆(分别位于纽约及柏林)、 法国FRAC中心大型陶瓷装置(终身馆藏)、POLYVINE 表皮系统(费城)等。马丁·米勒出生于美国明尼苏达州,圣保罗市 (San Paul, Minnesota), 目前生活在北京和纽约两地。


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