Mo Zheng & Martin Miller Design
Future Tech Park Upgrade Project| 未来科学城滨水公园一期建筑及周边景观改造概念设计方案
Beijing, China 北京,中国

Planning Concept | 规划概念

设计灵感:来源于自然界中流动的万物和运动中的自然现象,大地、空气、植物和水是我们的画布。就像树在不同的自然环境条件下会生长出不同的形态, 我们每个外立面的设计也表达了其建筑功能与周边自然环境的对应关系。这些设计诠释了未来与科技,同时为创造自然与人类之间和谐共生关系的提出了创新的观点。
This proposal for the renovation of facade and park elements for the Future Science and Technology park of Beijing finds balance and harmony between the natural environment of the park and the innovative spaces of the technology center. Future of technologies and innovations are looking to nature for inspiration creating simple systems and formulas that lead to elegantly interwoven ecosystems. As a design practice, Anti-statics Architecture has always looked to nature to find and leverage simple systems to create unique and novel designs. The design approach for the facade and interior upgrades at the Beijing Technology and Innovation Park exhibits simple patterns and designs found in nature to create spaces and forms meant to inspire the visitors to the park and emphasize the goals for the adjacent technology centers. Using cutting edge technologies in intelligent ways, the design is coherent with the parks landscape and also aligned with the innovative nature of the area.
Advocating an ecological, green low carbon environmental protection and sustainable development, the design uses simple materials in unique and novel ways, leveraging computational tools and algorithmic design to create fluid and natural form. Simple logic inspired by biological and geological growth and erosion behaviors generate the various facades throughout the park. Four types of facades are applied to buildings of various programs, accentuating the structures while
also serving as a way finding device within the vast spaces of the park. These designs present an innovative view to the future of technology that creates a symbiotic relationship between nature and humanity. Further inspired by nature, the structure of the facades are designed as simple modular elements for ease of installation and low cost construction.
未来科技城滨水公园坐落于北京未来科技城的大环境中,提倡“生态、绿色、低碳、环保、可持续发展”的理念。未来的科技与创新很多都是从大自然中寻找灵感,从而创造简单的系统和公式,以形成一种智能的生态系统。作为一种设计上的实践, 非静止建筑工作室就很擅长在自然中寻找和利用简单的体系和规律来创造独特和新颖的设计。北京未来科学城滨水公园的建筑立面和周边景观升级改造的设计手段展示了如何利用在自然界中发现的图案和逻辑, 以创造空间和形式, 旨在启发参观的游客, 并强调了以科技为中心的目标和理念。采用尖端技术的智能化方式, 设计不仅与园区的景观相融合, 也与整个未来科学城园区的科技创新性相辅相成。
园区建筑外立面和周边景观形态从自然几何学和自然现象的角度提取,通过参数化的生成与分析,得出一系类的逻辑体系,包括立面图案、形式和建造方式。园区主要的建筑、景观区域我们希望去同质化,每个建筑景观组团都是一种独特的“主题性”体验,同时每个主题的元素都与自然现象和自然几何形体密切相关: 西园入口的”自然流动“咖啡厅和接待建筑组团是从水雾流动的形体中提取设计元素,形成曲线优美的分层建筑表皮;西园的两个游客服务建筑组团,分别从太阳花斐波纳契数列和森林中丁达尔光影效应中提取几何图案和现象形成新的建筑外观与景观设计;东园的入口服务建筑外表皮和景观造型从参数化生成的大地风化塑造的形态提取。这一系列“自然与科学”为主题的仿生建筑群将给滨水公园注入全新的活力,将给予游客多样化的体验。这些设计诠释了未来与科技,同时为创造自然与人类之间和谐共生关系的提出了创新的观点。高技现代的建筑造型与表皮是通过经济可行的建造方式和对传统建筑材料的创新利用。我们同时也考虑到了建筑与景观夜间照明的效果,其感官和呈现效果将打造活泼、宜人的环境氛围。
Design Date: 2017.06-2017.11
Location: Beijing,China
Design Director: Martin Miller, Mo Zheng
Design Team: Christopher Beckett, Frank Jiang, Luke Theodorius E. D, Isabelle Yang, Haoran Wang
This design for the Future Science Park uses natural fluidity and flows of energy for its
inspiration. The earth, air, plants, and water are the canvas. As a tree grows uniquely
to its precise environment, so is each facade designed to express and respond to its
functional and context. These designs present an innovative view to the future of technologythat creates a symbiotic relationship between nature and humanity.